Wednesday, February 17, 2010

pond monday

monday was a great day. aside from the fact that i had the day off from work we had a mini team practice. and when i say mini i mean there were about 6 players from our team that came out to play some pond hockey. overall it was still pretty fun though.
we played for 2.5 hours and i coulda gone for atleast another hour.
we played a little 3 vs 3 for the whole time, switching teams a couple times. not gonna say it was an effective practice considering it was ice hockey and we play floor hockey but it still builds team chemistry. if you learn more and more about how someone plays and their tendencies then it pays off on the floor.


  1. ravenscroft north of rossland, its pretty far up on the right. just before the road turns to shit. huuuuuge storm water pond
